
We want you to be able to come to and enjoy BiCon regardless of disability, illness, family, income, gender, race or any other factor.

Here are some of the ways we try to make BiCon more inclusive. If we can do anything more, please tell us.

Financial access

For help covering your costs in coming to BiCon for any reason – including disability, childcare commitments, debt or anything else – you can apply to the Access Fund. This fund is now closed – all funds have now been allocated to applicants.

Physical access

Access was at the top of our list when choosing a venue. We've prepared an Access Report covering accommodation, outside areas, daytime and entertainment spaces.

Social access

BiCon attracts so many different people. We want everyone who takes part to be aware of difference and the impact of privilege, and feel as comfortable taking part as possible.

To support this, we have:

  • a code of conduct that all those at BiCon must agree to
  • guidance for those who run sessions and entertainments on including everyone and how to handle any incidents that might arise
  • a listening service during BiCon for anyone who feels they need to talk privately about anything.
  • the Extra Access Fund, considerably reduced tickets if it's your first time at BiCon and you are a Person of Colour, Working Class person, or aged 16 to 21 or 55 and over – this fund is now closed, as all funds have now been allocated to applicants.
  • made preparations for anyone who finds food or eating with others difficult.

For parents

You're welcome to bring children to BiCon. Here are some of the things we can do to support parents:

  • We've organised childcare – a crèche – to cover some or all of the daytime programme times.
  • If you'll need accommodation and book early, we will try to arrange a type of room that suits your needs, whether it be a "paired, shared bathroom" (PSB) or en suite room.Very small children can share a room with a parent.

Even if you don't want to use the crèche, please let us know if you are bringing children to BiCon, for registration and planning. Please email 2015bookings@deleted.